Thursday, January 2, 2014

So, What is Home?

I recently took a trip to an extremely isolated beach on the Caribbean side of Costa Rica named Punta Mona. Far from the hustle and bustle of busy,  "civilized" New York, I had time to reflect on my cultural identity and place in our giant human ecosystem. Composting toilets, no internet or phone service, hiking, sea urchin splinters, and much, much more laid down a harsh contrast to the life-style I had been living for the past four months in the U.S. This poem seemed appropriate.

Casa Uno
And tomorrow, the day I go home,
a juxtaposition will lay down
into me like two opposing sides
splitting my body in two diff-
erent colors.

Aligning the poles of a Northern New York college student
and a Central-American, Costa Rican white blonde girl
that miss of moist warmth
the climate type and of familial
soft mothers’ skin and a head on
a father’s chest. A brother whose
tactless jokes cut
others deeply but show me that there is
someone honest left in this world.


Kay said...

Isa, I love this!! Especially the ending. I seriously love it, it's awesome.

josh said...

I liked your poem it is good. I wanted to play with the rhythm

'Casa Uno
And tomorrow, the day I go home,
a juxtaposition
will lay down into me
like two opposing sides
splitting my body in two

Aligning the poles
of a Northern
New York college student
and a Central-American,
Costa Rican
white blonde girl'

and so I did. I like your version much better. It is good.

Anonymous said...

I love this a lot